On Memorial Day we think of the loved ones we are waiting to be reunited with when our Lord returns.
Today my Dad would have been 79, I always think of him on Memorial day weekend as that is when they play John Wayne's war movies, and since he and John Wayne shared the same birthday Dad always celebrated "their birthdays", this year it was Green Berets. It is always a bittersweet time as I think of him and then think of how I miss him, but I can rejoice knowing that I will be with him again.
This is one of the hardest things for us to deal with. So many people struggle with this, if you have lost a loved one, the devil will fill your minds with the question, were they saved, will I see them again. As believers we know that once we are saved, our sins are forgiven and we will see our loved ones again when Jesus Christ returns. But it is also a place where satan creeps in with his questions. Just know that the closer we get to God the more the devil comes against us. Do not let him fill your minds with these questions.
Remember it is through faith and the grace of God that we are saved, not by our works, so rest in knowing that all your loved ones had to do to be saved, even with their last thought is ask for Christ to forgive them of their sins, and believe in their hearts that He is their Lord and Savior.
So on this Memorial day remember the good times you had, and the ones you will have, also remember the soldiers and their families, and the sacrifice Christ gave for us.
Matthew 11:26-29
26And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body.
27And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it;
28For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.
29But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom.